This is Ayla and my mom(These are two of Cozette's very favorite things in the world, she speaks of them to everyone we meet and asks about them at least every hour:))
5,6,7 weeks... What is the difference? This is by far the hardest time in any one's pregnancy. Except for my first. With Noah, there were a lot of naps, I went to work and someone really appreciated everything I did, I finished projects, I came home to a clean house, I rarely cooked big meals and I spent most evenings relaxing on the couch next to my sweet husband. Noah came two weeks early, his nursery was ready, his clothes were washed, and I spent two long guilt-free days just lying in the hospital with him and Daniel. Ahh, that is called first baby bliss. However, to be fair this also included my hardest recovery, hardest new-mommy adjustment, total confusion, colicky baby every night kind of homecoming. so since then each new baby it has been easier and easier...
On the other side, the last few weeks are a nightmare. I have been having painful contractions since last night. They stop when I lay down. So no real worries, IF I COULD LAY DOWN!:) it has been painful to just stand up, bend over, pick something up, and walk around... so all my daily activities are a joke. I know I'm not in labor and its my body just doing what it knows how to do, but its a little early for this!
Well since I've last posted, Braxtyn has found many things to occupy her time... burying the key to the little tractor cart, losing some earrings, and of course cutting her hair! I never thought she'd do it but sure enough. She has bangs now and a few short layers on the sides.'s not easy to fix with such long hair!
Graham has also lost the pin to the trailer for the cart, lost his cowboy hat and needs new boots after just three months. I should learn how to make boots..hmm..
Cozette has found her will, she enjoys getting her way and lets us know very well when she doesn't. she is learning new words, but mostly talks about the dogs and horses. she loves to tell stories and uses big hand movements and uses her limited word choices to describe everything. Very entertaining, not very coherent.
Noah is at a very helpful age. He is very willing to give a hand. He has however, figured how to pull the " Do what I want to do quietly and no one will notice I'm disobeying" trick, or the "I'm such a great kid, how could you tell me no!" thing. Funny how they figure things out so quickly.
Quinn is miss active throughout the night. We have some adorable ultrasound pics of her and are just anticipating her arrival.
Daniel and I are very happy. We are enjoying our stay with my parents. They have been amazing, and although we are looking forward to our own home very soon. We will miss our communal living experience. If you can believe it, the kids are happily sharing one room! Daniel is working like crazy and enjoying every challenging minute. We are at home quite a bit and I'm thankful we are staying here during the most beautiful weather months in Arizona. We spend most of our time outdoors. Cozy's first request in the morning is "I want a gack (snack which means food), Ayla and Zip pease (let's feed the horses and dogs please). Zip, is the dog that puts up with Cozy's affections; mainly because he knows it comes with food and crumbs.
6 weeks and counting!