...Where you go I will go, and where you stay I will stay. Your people will be my people and your God my God. Ruth 1:16 This is the journey of our lives...

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Just some funny conversations

Last night we are sitting on the couch and Noah comes in after his shower
Me: Noah why do you smell so good?
Noah: Um.. I.. ahhh...
Me: you used my perfume.
Noah: Yes, (giggle)
Me: A lot of it!
Noah: Yes, three squirts under each armpit (laugh)
Me: (laughing) please don't use my expensive perfume for your pits
Noah: Well where do you spray it then?
Me: All over
Noah: why, do you stink all over?
Me: (needing a way out of this conversation) I'll buy you your own deodorant and spray if you really want some.

Later that night.....
Noah and Graham are in the bathroom
Noah: MOM!! Graham just pottied on the floor
Graham: It was an accident!
Me: Go get the Clorox wipes and clean it up
Graham: whats a clorax?
Me: looking at Daniel and shaking my head....

Braxtyn walks into the kitchen wearing high heels and a dress up Dr.'s suit: Mom pretend you are my kids grandma
Me: I will be someday
Braxtyn: No right now, you are and here are my girls.
Me: what are there names?
Braxtyn: Kayla, Shayla, Layla and Katelyn
Me: Wow, ok I'll watch them
Braxtyn: ok, I'm going to get my nails done and to buy a shirt at Walmart. Thanks, my kids grandma.

Braxtyn: Mom will you put my hair up
Me: Ok in a ponytail?
Braxtyn: no like this.. (she shows me a bun)
Me: Oh, a messy ponytail
Braxtyn: I call it a flower pony tail

Sometimes they are funnier when you are here looking at their funny sweet faces or listening to their cute little person voices..but now I will never forget just how silly it is around here sometimes!


Ray and Janell said...

I love that one of Braxtyn's "kids" names is Katelyn! Hmmmm ... I wonder where she got that idea from. Any ideas? :-)

Katelynn Z said...

this post made me smile. i love your kids so much. they are too darn cute ;) give em all a hug from me.

mikeanddebbie said...

Love it!!! I can so hear Noah giggling about spraying your perfume. Too cute!!

Aimee said...

Oh that is sooo cute. I will have to get Noah some of that Tag body spray...he's becoming such a man;). Graham...sounds like something Zane would do! And Braxtyn...oh that girl cracks me up.