...Where you go I will go, and where you stay I will stay. Your people will be my people and your God my God. Ruth 1:16 This is the journey of our lives...

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Feeding the masses...

Sometimes I wish Jesus would show up at my door and do the fish and bread miracle. When we lived in New River, I stocked up on many food items so I didn't have to take the 40 minute round trip drive each week to the grocery store. These days the store is walking distance, so I've been going each week. In doing this, I have come to realize how much food we actually consume. Just for fun I'm going to catalog our weekly food intake and then hopefully as they get older compare to see just how much more or less we consume as they grow. It's hard to imagine it getting worse!

Per week
2-3 - gallons milk
1- 1/2 gallon Almond milk
1 gallon apple juice
5 gallons lemonade
2-3 cases of water
12 pack of soda
4-5 boxes cereal
2 doz eggs
1 box granola bars
granola (making oatmeal and cookies
2.5 lbs of flour
2.5 lbs of sugar
4-6 sticks of butter
1 box cereal bars
1 batch of something home made (cookies)
2 boxes snack bars (cliff kid bars or organic rice crispy bars)
2 loaves of bread
2-3 pkg lunch meat
2 frozen pizzas
1 box chicken nuggets or 2 pkg hot dogs
1 large bag of Cheddar cheese
2 pkg tortillas (about 20)
1-2 bags of potato chips
3-4 cans of fruit
6lbs of apples
4 cartons of strawberries
1 large bunch bananas
6-8 avocados
5-6 tomatoes
3-4 peppers
various other vegetables (broccoli, corn, green beans)
3-4lbs hamburger meat (thankfully we are only eating elk right now)
5-7lbs chicken
I'm sure there is more like sauces, seasonings, jellies, peanut butter, kat, syrup, ect... I'm not including.

Diapers, toilet paper, paper towels and wipes I order from Amazonmom.com it comes to the door! Just an FYI to other moms!

Its amazing to think people used to have to grow everything they ate and then prepare it all from scratch! Oy, what would we do?
 Be skinnier and eat less LOL!

1 comment:

shannondale said...

I think all I can say is WOW!!!! I love love love that there are so many fruits and veggies Awesome Momma!!