...Where you go I will go, and where you stay I will stay. Your people will be my people and your God my God. Ruth 1:16 This is the journey of our lives...

Friday, January 20, 2012

A new baby and all that go's with it..

Baby oh baby..I used to think I knew so much before I had kids..now I know nothing. Five children later, I'm an idiot.

But really, all five are so very different that the same tricks rarely work on the others. I've always wondered how the same kids, from the same parents come away with totally different stories of their childhood. Now I know.
So today, like other mother's I know..I'm at a loss. What to do on what little sleep I'm getting. My sleep debt is getting bigger, you'd think I was a democrat. My house is fighting back and I swear someone put a doubling potion on the laundry and a rat is eating the feet off my boy's socks. And there is someone else living in my house that is is very untidy and cannot under any uncertain terms...hit the bottom of the toilet, pick-up toys, find the laundry baskets, rinse out the sink after brushing, or flush the toilet. I've been grilling the other five who admit to living here, however, WILL NOT admit to the above offenses.

The littlest resident, has decided that after one glorious week of sleeping 10 hour shifts, will now only sleep through the night if visits from mommy, are included in her stay. We are working out other accommodations that include a pac-n-play in the office on the other side of the house. We shall see who holds out longer in the end. Hoping for a peaceful resolution.
The eldest, is now addicted to minecraft and has taken the one and only cell phone with him to the above said office. So, if you haven't heard from me in a while, just know I am safe, and now without the use of both the Internet and phone services.The middle two, who are normally at war about something, have joined forces to try and penetrate my clean-up defenses with outrageous playtime, including full scale rodeo reenactments, a three ring circus and some type of Justin/Selena/Taylor Swift concert series. My fourth -born, a little piece of sunshine, has been skipping happily into my room at 6:30am. I can hardly resist the urge to squeeze her in greeting each morning.
And with my past professional parenting opinions, scattered somewhere among the disaster I call the garage.. I will say, I have escaped some if this craziness with a good book and a cup of coffee, an occasional hike up the mountain, and very good sense of humor and the best part...
My amazing partner in crime

And on days like this, He hands me the keys to his truck (he has all the good music) and I head out on a five minute drive to the Safeway to gather my wits, a few needed essentials, and a coffee..

I know, pathetic. Maybe one day I'll drive to Target.


Doni Brinkman said...

Hee hee. And tonight you will have seven little monkeys jumping on the bed. ;)

Brooke Zimmermann said...

Somehow, this switch has actually eased some chaos! Hope it's going just as good over at your camp!

songgirl52 said...

Too funny Brooke - rest assurred, you are NOT ALONE! The only difference I have now is that mine are a little older and Christian is in charge of their lovely bathroom. LOL Its great when they have to take over a duty that is utterly disgusting and they comment to their brothers how gross they all are. LOL

Yeah, yeah, yeah to good music and starbucks! Trust me, pretty soon they will all be giants and more interested in their own activities to bug Mom all the time. Enjoy the peace when you can get it and cherish the chaos....it all goes too quickly.