...Where you go I will go, and where you stay I will stay. Your people will be my people and your God my God. Ruth 1:16 This is the journey of our lives...

Friday, February 24, 2012

The life must go on..

Remember when you could be sick and sleep all day?
It's a very distant memory..I think I'm forgetting what that feels like. It's peace and quiet, being miserable in bed..ALONE. Well that's not going to happen.
So, we were sick together and we shared our germs very freely..my poor mother came over to help me survive, and I think I might have gifted her this lovely sickness in my gratitude. All I have to assuage the guilt, is that she gets to lie in bed ALONE and sleep it off. Okay, so maybe later in life I'll get sick, just so I can lay in bed and recover by myself. I'll put it on a list.

So now we have the fever..cabin fever that is. The 4pm madness sets in and no one is happy, everyone hates TV and movies and the Wii. No one likes each other very much either. Daniel is not sick so he gets attacked as he arrives home. Well that's the update. So glad I put it to words, it makes us look just lovely. Lovely we are not, sick we are.
I just heard a quote this week on Facebook, it was something like how the kids must be fed each night. So true, I wish they could just skip a night..I mean is that too much to ask!?

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