Last night, Daniel and the kids stayed at West World with me while I had a drill team practice. While we were warming up the horses, a young girl about Noah's age, was running at full speed around and around the arena. She was so cute and a very accomplished rider for just 6 years old. My boys were of course, immediately taken with her. They played together for the two-hour practice and during this time made some pretty serious moves, that even the older Zimmermann men would be proud! I of course am worried out of my mind!!
So Noah went with the, "I'm too cool for you" approach; and during his fantastic demonstration of all the Power Rangers and break dance moves he could possibly do, the little girl stared on completely unimpressed and stated flatly, she did not like boys. So Noah of course, out of breath says coolly, " oh yeah, I don't like girls either".
Graham took a very different approach, I think he was quite enamored with her abilities to ride and her love for horses, so there was just one more question to ask this beautiful, blonde, 6 yr old, woman of his dreams. So he looked at her at quietly asked, " Can you cook?"
Yes, we agree this might be the smartest thought out "pick up" line ever, for a young boy of three, who loves his food!!LOL!