...Where you go I will go, and where you stay I will stay. Your people will be my people and your God my God. Ruth 1:16 This is the journey of our lives...

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Are you an elephant or a kangaroo?

Horton Hears A Who! is a book by Dr. Seuss, and is now a movie that is out on video and I highly recommend buying it!

The message of this story; "A person's a person no matter how small". In this story Horton, the elephant hears a voice on a small speck of dust that is attached to a clover. Without any other explanation he knows there is life on that little speck. He begins protecting it with all his might, even when the kangaroo insists that if you cannot hear it it does not exist. Horton knows that there is life and although he is ridiculed and even attacked he never gives up the fight for this little speck. Only after the speck proves that they are a little tiny town full of people, does Horton's jungle believe him. It is such a great message during a time when the first thing our president does, is overturn every chance at life the unborn had, de-valuing life before our very eyes. Making a point that, if you cannot hear it, it is of no value or use to us. Dr. Seuss had it right and through a delightful poem and now a blockbuster movie we can see clearly what many people cannot, "A person's a person no matter how small".

Speak out and be a Horton!


heidi jo said...

every time i hear that line from the movie i think of all the innocent little ones whose lives won't be protected well enough... and now with recent changes in the political world, it just brings it to greater light. may the horton's rise to speak up for the voiceless. i've wanted to post on my blog about that same movie line... SO glad you did it.

Don Z said...

It is incomprehensible to me that any one would take the stand President Obama has taken. How can he even consider having a child as president with these shallow views of live. It is an abomination!