...Where you go I will go, and where you stay I will stay. Your people will be my people and your God my God. Ruth 1:16 This is the journey of our lives...

Saturday, January 17, 2009

What Pennies should not be used for!!!

We have been learning about money the last few weeks in school. The boys are doing extra chores for 25 cents a piece and learning how to manage their money. Braxtyn has not wanted to be left out of this and has been finding loose change around the house and telling me its her chore money. (she's my daughter)... Anyways, the other night she starts screaming and I run in to find she had swallowed her penny! I have experience in this department, so I listened to her breathing and then gave her a piece of bread to eat. If the bread goes down we are ok, if not, we go to the ER. We then of course called David, our "on call emergency uncle" and made sure we had remembered everything. She was fine and soon gathering money once again. A few mornings later I found my change in the car shoved into the CD player, which thankfully came out without a problem! But then yesterday morning as I was loading kids and stuff to leave, she climbed into my seat and I thought was play driving.....Lo and behold, a spark, a scream and yes, the penny she found had been shoved in my cell phone car charger. Did you know a penny could short out your car's lighter and/or cell phone charger?? Well, yes it can. So after this week, we have banned the girl from gathering spare change. I don't know, maybe I can pay her in dollars when it's timer for her to do chores...


heidi jo said...

aaaa! glad it wasn't a light socket. :)

idea - pay her in tickets (draw and cut or print from computer) that translate to money or prizes.

heidi jo said...


Aimee said...

Smart girl, she knows how to make money! Possibly a little extreme Braxtyn, but brilliant nonethless...the things you have to do to get a dollar these days;) LOL!

Doni Brinkman said...

LOL. Hoping her cousin doesn't follow suit.