...Where you go I will go, and where you stay I will stay. Your people will be my people and your God my God. Ruth 1:16 This is the journey of our lives...

Friday, December 17, 2010

Ramblings of a four year old

Today I was doing my hair and she was sitting in her usual spot, atop the vanity counter, applying loads of blush and brushing her hair. She was also begging me to paint her nails, this a daily ritual and we spend our time having long talks or playing the sister game, where I am her little sister and we plan large parties, movie dates, makeovers and tea parties. Today, she was making faces in the mirror and looked up at me with a very " I know-it-all" face to tell me the following:
Braxtyn: I do not believe in Santa Clause. He is is a big man with a fake beard. I only believe in Jesus. I don't believe in reindeer flying. Mom, do you believe in magic?
Me: I believe that Jesus can do miracles
Braxtyn: Well I don't believe in magic so reindeer can't fly.
Me: well who brings the presents?
Braxtyn: Moms and dads, aunts and uncles, grown-ups and Jesus. There are no elves either.
Me: there aren't'?
Braxtyn: No, they are just little people who wear fake ears and don't have real jobs. They take care of pigs.
Me: Wow, that is a lot of information for me today. You have this really figured out don't you?
Braxtyn: Yes, yes I do.
Graham enters the conversation: If you don't believe in Santa you won't get presents.
Braxtyn: yes I will, grown ups give them to me.
Me: Let's just all settle on the fact that Santa or not, it is Jesus' Birthday and He is why any of us get presents.
End of discussion...

Later at lunch...
Braxtyn: Mom, I'm going to ask Santa for an Easy bake oven.
Hmm... She is a mystery


Aimee said...

She's hot then she's cold, she's yes then she's no;). That girl makes me laugh!

A few months ago Zandi told me almost the exact same thing. She said she did not believe in Santa, only God and Jesus and that we were lying to her. How could I argue that, I mean really?! I realized there was no point in bluffing anymore. She also renounced her faith in the easter bunny, tooth fairy and all other fairy tale creatures! Of course I had to warn her not to tell Zane or her cousins. I think she is relishing in the fact that she figured out the truth.

Love you guys!

mikeanddebbie said...

LOL! So funny! Love that girl!!

Belinda Fletcher said...

Too cute! Will decided Santa was "too tall and too red". He asked us just to bring him gifts. Forget Santa. :)

www.chroniclesofthesmithfamily.blogspot.com said...

What a great conversation. Joshua was told this year and he took it better than Hannah did. He was told not to burst anyone else's bubble though. I wish we never did the Santa thing so I'm glad it's over. I figured he'd be okay since he never believed in the tooth fairy to begin with. When he lost his 1st tooth Todd asked him if he was going to put it under his pillow. He gave us a "look" and said "can you just give me the money now?" We never did the Easter bunny. Next week should be interesting for you:)

Amy said...

I love it!

Casey has been asking if Santa is real. I was honest and he told a friend, "Santa doesn't bring presents, moms and dads do." Oh well, whatcha gonna do?

Doni Brinkman said...

Ohhhhh...my little apple doesn't fall far from MY tree hee hee. :) Tori is still calling him "The Christmas Man" - apparently she doesn't think he deserves more of a title than that.