Isn't life a roller coaster? I was visiting with an old friend last night and we were pondering over our lives this last year. It seemed to both of us that in retrospect so many things could have gone better or smoother and we talked for a length of time on how situations would have been easier on us if certain elements could have changed. There were great things this year too, full of blessings and triumphs. And then so many things that remain the same and feel like time will never change it. So, through all of our stories and bits of advice to each other I have come to one conclusion..Ready?...This is not our home, we are aliens in a world that will never fit us. Even when we feel like there is a fit or something goes right, BAM! we get knocked flat and a new challenge will always arise. I continue to be surprised, not sure why. I know the roller coaster, I get in each day. The problem is I get really involved in all the twists and turns and loop-de-loops and somehow forget its just another ride in the park I'm visiting and that soon, I'll get to go home! Where; in actuality, I get to live for a longer period of time. My life on earth is only a blink in comparison to eternity. Becoming eternally minded is a challenge for earth dwellers, its so easy to get caught up in my life and my feelings always will betray me, and tell me that my failures and disappointments here are all there is and will somehow ruin me. Oh, I don't know how people function, thinking this is it! I'm so thankful I have a home to go to, one that will bring all sorrows and disappointments to joy! I'm also thankful for God, full of Grace and Mercy who gives me pieces of joy and hope here, while I'm waiting.
How do we become eternally minded? It seemed that in the apostle Paul's life, he grasps the eternal and holds fast. " to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain." Philippians. Most people in the world would consider this a stupid thing to look forward to death. But Paul couldn't wait to see his new home and he came closer to dying on a daily basis, than most of us will, until that day actually comes. He knew the ride he was on was temporary at best. He lived his live for Christ while he was here and couldn't wait to meet Him when it was over. I hope that I am able to reflect on the time I've already lived and say living was about Christ. The truth of the matter is that most the time my living is about me.
So, dear friend, I love you and I hope that in each day you and I will take each situation and turn it into an opportunity to learn or teach in it as Christ leads us and know that this is not all there is. It is only a moment. There is so much greater being prepared for us!