...Where you go I will go, and where you stay I will stay. Your people will be my people and your God my God. Ruth 1:16 This is the journey of our lives...

Monday, May 12, 2008

Braxtyn funnies

Well over the weekend we spent some time with family and I realized how busy, bossy and easily impressed she is!

On Sunday she decided that Aunt Sissy was being too mean to Ty while he was in time-out so she quickly corrected her by pointing a finger back and saying "stop it now!" as Aunt sissy reprimanded Ty for getting out of time-out early!

We then went home and she kept repeating the phrase "whats up, yo?" with some high five hand gesture. Thank you to whomever shared that with my darling little girl! She now says it repeatedly throughout the day.. And to top off the day ... during her bath time she was telling Daniel to stop singing and playing his guitar, I guess she thinks she runs the world:) Daniel told her she was his little girl and she couldn't tell him to stop it. As he continued to play, she sat there and said uh uh..hmm. hmm and shook her head no. We are not sure what to do with such a little girl with a great big personality. But we are laughing and worrying all the way through it!


songgirl52 said...

LOL Brooke! The problem here is that she is so adorable you can't help but laugh at her "attitude"...

I'm sure that with two great parents she will come around and realize there are times she can use it and times she can't.

BTW.....I have heard a certain dark haired Male Zimmerman say, Whats Up Yo to me numerous times...LOL

Brooke Zimmermann said...

Yeah, I think it was him too!!