...Where you go I will go, and where you stay I will stay. Your people will be my people and your God my God. Ruth 1:16 This is the journey of our lives...

Friday, December 7, 2007

A Beard for your Head?

Tonight, Graham was sitting with Daniel on the couch playing; when Graham noticed Daniel's beard. Graham asked if he could have one too. So Daniel told him to grow one tonight and they'd check in the morning to see if he had one. And Graham then told Daniel that he should grow a beard on his head and they could check in the morning to see if he had one!! I can't stop laughing about this one. I'm so thankfull for blogging, how else could we afford such entertainment!


Doni Brinkman said...

Okay - you win hands down on the entertainment scale. That is HYSTERICAL!

If nothing else, you are making Aunt Sissy happy by FINALLY writing this stuff down.

Brooke Zimmermann said...

I'm glad to share and I can't wait to read these together 10 years from now!

Aimee said...

That is hilarious! How does Daniel feel about that one?:)

Aunt Diane said...

I always forget about this and it makes me mad to find things weeks or months old. I know it is not your fault but My Dear Niece is there some way this old lady can be alerted to posts? These things are so great because I am having to spend time writing down what is remembered by our family/me to have a great journel to pass down the years. Like to fight to hold you Christmas day because Anna Lee had given tickets to the men to the Fiesta Bowl and they weren't thre. Then being in sick the next day with pneumonia and worried more that I had given it to you.
Love all of you,